SquareMarket Technologies Inc. (dba Tab Commerce)
Last modified: February 22, 2025
Effective Date: February 22, 2025
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, restaurants approved by Tab (the “Customers”) and utilizing the Tab card shall earn a five percent (5%) cash back on Eligible Purchases made within the Initial Period up to a maximum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in Eligible Purchases.
For purposes of this provision, “Eligible Purchases” shall refer exclusively to those purchases that are fully paid and satisfy all applicable criteria. The cash back amount shall be credited to a Tab Rewards Balance account, and may be either withdrawn to the Customer’s designated primary bank account or retained in said account, at the Customer’s election.
The initial period shall commence on the date the Customer is approved for a Tab account and shall continue for thirty (30) consecutive days. Thereafter, the applicable cash back rate shall decrease to the following:
Above figures are standard except as otherwise expressly provided in a separate Customer Agreement.
Customers must be fully approved by Tab and shall maintain at least active weekly auto-payment arrangement to remain eligible for the rewards.
Eligible Purchases
For the purposes of this Agreement, Eligible Purchases shall include solely those expenses that are business-related and directly pertinent to restaurant operations. Personal expenses are strictly excluded. Customers are advised to review the Cardholder Agreement in its entirety to fully understand all terms and conditions governing the rewards and benefits provided herein.